She's coming up on a year weed-free!

"Always appreciated you sharing your story, coming up on a year in a couple months weed-free since your Clubhouse chat!
– Awesome Feedback from An Awesome Woman

Before I did this call in September of 2022, I remember a voice in my head trying to tell me that what I'd be sharing wasn't "good enough."

I was "only" going to be reading a couple stories I’d written.

Stories I'd already shared on Instagram.

So, like, that’s kinda lame, right?


Not everyone is paying attention to us in all the ways all the time. People have lives. And their own stuff.

Including their own addictions. Like this woman I know did.

Plus, maybe she hadn't seen the stories when I first published them. Maybe she needed to hear me say them verbally. Maybe she just needed to hear them AGAIN.

No matter the reason, continuing to share my story helped her.

And now?


How awesome is that? Simply from sharing my story.

Imagine if I’d believed the voice about not being good enough!?

But instead, I remember shifting my focus to something my life coach Liana Shanti always says:

“Even if you only help ONE person, it’s worth it.”

And it was! Because it led to another woman breaking free of her addiction, too.

A lesson on never underestimating our impact, no matter how big or how small it may seem.

Imagine what quitting weed and sharing your story could do for someone else!

– Malana